Our Healing Products

Explore our carefully curated resources for your healing journey.

Lemon Balm

An effective sedative! Lemon balm is good for insomnia, headaches, anxiety, stress, and hyperactivity. The flowering tips are taken to increase mental stamina, and aids in the digestive system as well. This herb is also really good for curing cold sores and shingles, lowers fever, and is considered to be an antiviral both internally and externally 

$25 (shipping included)

Red Raspberry Leaf

Leaves can be taken as a womb tonic for threatened miscarriage, to prepare for pregnancy, or as a part of infertility treatment. It is also taken as a tea for the last 2-4 months of pregnancy to prepare for childbirth, and taken after birth to nourish the uterus and increase milk production.

Rich in antioxidants.

$25 (shipping included)


Soothe and calm inflamed lungs. Helping with deep and painful coughing, and eases the expectoration of mucus. Also very useful in treating hay fever and bed-wetting. Externally, mullein is a good wound healer and helps to reduce cold sores, and other skin issues. 

Mullein oil helps cure earaches and infections.

$25 (shipping included)
Safe Place for Healing 


There’s more!


Do you have a weak immune system? Elderberry will build it right on up. Elderberry is also good for weight management and enhancing metabolic health.

$25 (shipping included) 

Angelica Root

Angelica is an aromatic bitter that removes damp and cold from the body. It stimulates the liver and digestive tracts, and is a valuable tonic for the whole system. The root is especially useful for your lungs. 

$25 (shipping included) 

Burdock Root

The best herb for blood cleansing! This herb is used as an antibiotic, anti-fungal, and adaptogenic.  Burdock protects the body from stress, and lowers blood sugar levels. If you need your kidney’s stimulated? Burdock is perfect for you. Also aids in treating many skin diseases and perfect for detoxification of the body.

$25 (shipping included) 

Butterfly Pea

Have you ever seen a natural blue tea before? Neither have I until I ran into this beauty! Say goodbye to stress and anxiety as soon as you consume this herb. 

$25 (shipping included) 


Known as the “Mother of the gut!” Chamomile is relaxing and can act as an antispasmodic sedative. It is used for all inflammation of the digestive tract from top to bottom and also aids in insomnia. 

$25 (shipping included) 


Used to detoxify and cleanse the body in treating skin and joint problems, cancers, headaches, and general weakness. Medicinally, the leaves are a powerful diuretic and a great tonic for the kidney and liver.

$25 (shipping included) 


The leaves are famous as a brain medicine, stimulating the flow of blood to the brain. Ginkgo is used to treat memory loss, and problems of the central nervous system, including dementia, stroke, and multiple sclerosis. It also has an anti-clotting effect on the blood.  This herb also can help with asthma, being strongly anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory. 

$25 (shipping included) 


A relaxing and antiseptic. It encourages liver to function and it is used to treat high blood pressure, exhaustion, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and painful spasms.

$25 (shipping included) 

Marshmallow Root

The leaves and roots are often used to soften and soothe inflammations of the lungs, digestive tract, urinary tract, and skin. 

Roots: digestion and lungs; can be chewed by teething babies. 

Leaves: kidney’s 

$25 (shipping included) 


Means “Lion Heart” in Latin- the name reflects the main medicinal uses which is strengthening the heart. Motherwort treats all women conditions and was particularly used to prevent women developing urine infections after child birth and is still widely taken for menopausal difficulties and nervous problems. It is an excellent remedy for heart palpitations and weakness. 

$25 (shipping included) 


is a bitter liver tonic of particular help to the womb, nervous system, and stomach, 

it can be smoked like a cigarette or burned like an incense. 

often used in acupuncture and moxibustion.

$25 (shipping included) 


Rich in minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. Used for arthritis, skin problems, allergies, and are generally detoxifying and cleansing. 

MEN? nettle is really good for your prostate glands. 

$25 (shipping included) 


Best used for insomnia, anxiety, epilepsy, and high blood pressure. Remedy for hyperactivity, twitching limbs, pain, and helps manage withdrawal from addictions to alcohol and other drugs. 

may cause drowsiness.

$25 (shipping included) 


Stimulates the liver and aids in digestion. Best used for nausea and vomiting, indigestion, and heart burn. Often used to treat IBS. Aids in improving concentration, lowers fever, and improves appetite.

$25 (shipping included) 

Rose Hips

Rich in vitamin C and often used  for their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Rose hips nourishes and hydrates the skin, reduces wrinkles, and improves skin elasticity. Rose hips have been well studied for their effects on osteoarthritis pain.

 $25 (shipping included) 


Anti-oxidant • anti-microbial • anti-inflammatory • anti-bacterial 

Rose is really good for cramp relief, sore throats, joint pain, weight management, eases depression and reduce anxiety, enhances skin, and promotes relaxation in the nervous system.  

$25 (shipping included) 


When you get a new pet, you deworm them right? How many times have you dewormed yourself? This herb is perfect for a parasite cleanse. Also very good for your digestive tract by stimulating your liver and is best used in small amounts. It has also been found to treat malaria in countries where the disease is prevalent.

$25 (shipping included) 


Is used to treat period pains, high blood pressure, blood vessel problems, and respiratory allergies. Yarrow stops hemorrhaging. Taken both internally and externally, the leaves and flowers are anticipating for the circulatory system.

$25 (shipping included) 

Hawthorn Berries

Known as the “Mother of the Heart,” used to treat al manners of heart disease, angina, abnormal heart rhythms, heart failure, high blood pressure, and diseases of the arteries,

$25 (shipping included) 

Red Clover

Traditionally used for coughs and respiratory problems, and also in treating cancer. It helps to stimulate the immune system into healthy functioning. The herb also has a mildly blood thinning effect and is helpful for menopausal problems such as hot flashes. 

Can eat while pregnant.

do not take of currently on warfarin or other blood thinners, 

$25 (shipping included) 

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